Hot drinks are perfect for giving your customers a pleasant break, especially now, with the arrival of the first cold weather. What we offer you here are 3 hot drinks, designed to accompany the taste and fragrance of our frozen and ready-to-cook specialties. Here they are:


Con una tazza in vetro l’effetto sarà ancora più wow 😉

Ingredients per serving:

200 ml foamed milk
1 coffee,
Bitter cocoa to taste

What do we combine? How about a nice freshly baked croissant with a sprinkling of sugar?


Spiced tea with milk

Caldo e aromatico, un tè davvero speciale

Ingredients per serving:

2 g ginger
200 ml of water
1/4 cinnamon stick
1 clove
1 star anise
very little nutmeg
1 cardamom capsule
10 g of cane sugar
1 g of black tea
50 ml of milk

Peel the ginger and bring to the boil with the water and the other spices. Simmer for 30 minutes. Add the sugar and bring to the boil briefly. Pour over the tea and leave to infuse for approx. 3 minutes. Filter and add the hot milk to the serving. What would be wonderful with this aromatic tea? We suggest a delicious, slightly warm Igloo pastry or a fragrant Melania with cream and apple.


Chilli hot chocolate

Cioccolato + tocco piccante al peperoncino <3

Ingredients per serving:

1/ red chili pepper
200 ml of milk
a few coffee beans
30 g of dark chocolate

You will need chili pepper without the seeds. Heat it with the milk and coffee beans and leave to flavour. Filter the milk, pour in some of the chocolate and bring almost to the boil. Allow to foam and garnish with chocolate shavings. And with this chilli hot chocolate we are really spoiled for choice as to which Igloo specialty to pair with it: a delicious zeppola or a sugary krapfen?

Which of these hot drinks will be on your menu?